As you're writing your resolutions list for the New Year, don't leave off making sure that your loved ones feel that love all year long. There are a lot of ways to achieve this goal (no gym membership required), but we here at Ah Sam Florist want to bring one more to your attention: send them flowers for a year.
Commit yourself to sending a new bouquet each month and ensure that your special someone always feels special. This is the kind of gift that allows you to be creative; you can pick flowers based on the seasons, switch up colors, send something free-form and romantic one month, a tidier, more modern arrangement the next. Read More about Gorgeous Flowers All Year Long »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on January 8, 2018
Science tells us that those who spend some time around flowers while sick do much better than their counterparts who don't. In fact, a researcher at Rutgers found that flowers, in general, keep people happy for days, while a 2008 study by the American Society of Horticultural Science found that patients in the hospital use less pain medication and have lower blood pressure overall if they have flowers or potted plants in their rooms.
Given the evidence, is there any reason not to send flowers to a loved one who is ill? We at Ah Sam Florist say no. Read More about A Bright Idea For Get Well Flowers »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on December 29, 2017
| Last Updated: November 16, 2020
The idea of winter flowers seems like an oxymoron, but trust us here at Ah Sam Florist, it's the real deal. Some species not only endure the cold, but bloom in it, as if they've been waiting all year to make their frosty debut. But given the fact that many of our favorite cold-weather flowers are cultivated indoors, it's entirely possible to enjoy a rainbow of buds even when it's not-so-green outside.
We love a bright palette for winter, something that introduces a lot of color and texture into the home. Read More about Wonderful Winter Blooms »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on December 22, 2017
| Last Updated: November 5, 2020
Among International Floral Distributors many floral trend predictions for 2018, one stands out to us here at Ah Sam Florist because it's something we already do and quite well, if we do say so ourselves. "Incarnation of Earths Element" may be a mouthful, but IFD identities it as a move to organic minimalism, where earthy, rustic elements are blended with geometric shapes. We're calling it modern nature. Read More about Modern Nature for 2018 »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on December 15, 2017
Who's on your list as you shop for Christmas and Hannukah this year? Does it seem like everyone?
In that case, we've got you covered with our Holiday Gift Guide, a robust collection of holiday blooms, winter greens, plants, wreaths, centerpieces and more. In this week's blog, we're showcasing three of our favorite pieces. Each shows off the incredible range of colors, textures, accents and scents available during this season, as well as the creative approach we here at Ah Sam Florist take in bringing something truly special to you. Read More about Highlights From Our Holiday Gift Guide »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on December 8, 2017
| Last Updated: November 5, 2020
Doing the Secret Santa thing at work this holiday season? You're not alone. This fun group gift swap has only gained in popularity over the last several decades and spans the globe. In Ireland, they call it "Kris Kringel," while in Germany, it's "Wichteln." Countless other countries have countless other names for it, and variations on the theme abound. But the premise always remains the same: a group of gift-givers are each assigned one person to whom they must anonymously offer a gift. Whether that means leaving the gift on a desk or under a tree is up to each Secret Santa group.
Here at Ah Sam Florist, we've got a way to sweeten up your contribution, no matter who it's going to. Read More about A Sweet Secret Santa Gift »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on December 1, 2017
At Ah Sam Florist, there are lots of reasons we love the holidays, but at the top of the list? Gifts.
No, we don't mean the ones we receive, or even the ones we hurriedly buy for our family and friends to be unwrapped Christmas morning. We mean the kind of gift that Giving Tuesday celebrates in its global effort to promote charity. We see Tuesday, November 28 - and every day, for that matter - as a wonderful opportunity to support the local institutions that mean the most to us. And that's a gift. Read More about Flowers for Giving Tuesday »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on November 24, 2017
We love decorating our homes for the holidays, but what about the office? Since we spend so much time at work, it's great to come together as a team and hang garland, set up the tree and place the poinsettias. Decorating the office with your coworkers gives everyone the chance to take a break from holiday stress and to have a bit of fun. Once your workplace is all dressed for the season, it feels refreshed and becomes a festive place to return to each day. So spread the holiday cheer this year and let Ah Sam Florist help you deck those workplace halls. Read More about Inspiring Decor for Your Holiday Office »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on November 17, 2017
| Last Updated: November 5, 2020
Thanksgiving embraces the gathering of family and friends for a bountiful feast. Whether your harvest celebration is an elegant or rustic event, there are so many things to remember when it comes to pulling off your Thanksgiving table (or two). Tablecloths to unfurl, napkins to fold, making sure you have enough seats for everyone at the main table and devising a smaller one for the kids along, not to mention the food prep itself.
But an item we add to the table in the rich shades of the season before filling it with food is here at Ah Sam Flowers. Read More about Thanksgiving Centerpieces That Wow »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on November 6, 2017
| Last Updated: October 20, 2020
Think we're post-Emily Post? Think again. It's still very much considered polite to offer a host or hostess a vase of fresh blooms in thanks for their courtesy. There's some debate about whether or gifts of flowers should arrive with you or be sent afterward, with an accompanying note. We at Ah Sam Florist feel that's up to you to decide, but make no mistake - thanking your host with flowers is never out of style. In fact, it's a ritual we'd like to see revived a bit more than it actually is, as so many designs lend themselves to making a treasured gift that anyone would love to receive. Read More about Gifts of Flowers for the Host »
Posted by Ah Sam Florist on November 3, 2017
| Last Updated: January 2, 2020